Denise Jack, Senior Director of Operations, HP Renew Solutions

Denise Jack is a native of Ripley, Mississippi.  After attending Mississippi State University, she moved to the Memphis area where she began her career first in Finance & Accounting, then moved to Supply Chain and Operations. She recently celebrated 31 years of marriage with her husband, Tommy and they have three children:  Ashley, Alex and Amanda. She also cherishes and loves her dogs, Bruno and Benny, and her ‘grand dogs’ Jax and Ozzie. In her spare time, Denise loves to read and enjoys spending time with family and friends at the lake or enjoying time at the beach.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Denise shared her professional trajectory, insights on the most significant operational challenges facing the tech industry right now, the secret mantra behind her success, future plans, words of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

Hi Denise. Please tell us about your background and areas of interest.

I joined the tech/repair & refurbishment industry in 1999 holding various Finance, Supply Chain and then Operations leadership roles with Flex and then Jabil Global Services. From there I moved to e-commerce and manufacturing with roles at XPO, Carrier, and then PFS Web. Most notably, I was recruited by HP last year to join Renew Solutions, which is a dream role for me and is the absolute highlight of my career.

My areas of interest include family time at the beach, spending time at the lake enjoying the water and planning fun outings with our friends. If there is anything I’ve learned over the past few years, is that tomorrow is not promised, so we should do all the things we enjoy while we can.

What do you love the most about your current role? 

As the Global Head of Operations for HP Renew Solutions, I love helping our customers achieve their sustainability targets by incorporating HP refurbished devices in their IT spend.  I love the positive impact that making high quality refurbished devices has on reducing e-waste, and mostly, I’m grateful to be working with a great team of people who collaborate and inspire each other both professionally and personally every day.

What are the most significant operational challenges the tech industry is facing right now, and how can we overcome them? 

There are many challenges in the tech industry, but I will cover the top three (in my opinion):  The rise in cybersecurity attacks including ransomware, phishing and data breaches pose a significant threat. By deploying enhanced security protocols, continuous monitoring and employee training, tech companies can prevent cybersecurity threats so many are facing.  Talent shortages in tech also present challenges where there are skill gaps in emerging fields like AI and cybersecurity.  Organizations that invest in training, partner with universities to create pipelines for talent and expand recruitment efforts to attract talent to fill those gaps will do well in this area.  Lastly, evolving regulatory compliance requirements present challenges to some organizations. Investing in legal and compliance experts to stay up to date on the latest regulatory changes, having flexible systems that can adapt to regulation changes and conducting regular audits to ensure compliance are ways to address this issue.

How do you think we can address the underrepresentation of women and other marginalized groups in tech, and what actions can leaders take to create a more inclusive environment?

I’m very proud to work for HP, who is leading by example in this area with aggressive goals to drive a more diverse, equitable and inclusive industry. HP set clear diversity goals, established inclusive policy and practices, and incorporates diversity training which has positively impacted representation of women in leadership at HP.

You were recently recognized as one of The Top 50 Women Leaders of Memphis for 2024. Our readers would love to know the secret sauce behind your success.

I was fortunate to be included with this outstanding group of women in leadership in the Memphis area whom I hold in high regard.  I think people would say my secret sauce includes treating people with dignity and respect, being fair and consistent in the way I lead and recognizing when to listen to my team that consists of experts in their related fields.  I know that I don’t always have the correct answers and I trust my team to provide the information needed to make solid decisions.

If you could have a one-hour meeting with someone famous who is alive or dead, who would it be and why?

Amelia Earhart.  I would like to understand how she overcame the barriers and skepticism she faced as a woman in a male-dominated field.  I would also like to know what advice she would offer young people interested in pursuing careers in challenging fields. Lastly, I would like to understand the circumstances surrounding her disappearance because it is such a well-known unsolved mystery!

Is there a particular person you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are? 

I don’t think I could single out one person as much as recognize that throughout my career I’ve had the privilege to work for and learn from several amazing leaders who also provided coaching and mentoring.  They provided invaluable guidance and insight, particularly in navigating complex issues and developing key skills. Their feedback was always constructive and encouraging, which boosted my confidence and helped me grow as a leader. Their support has had a profound impact on my career trajectory, and I am thankful for their mentorship and belief in my potential.  And to pay it forward, I actively mentor and coach other women who are looking for opportunities to grow as leaders.

How do you keep your mind healthy and stay resilient? And how do you motivate your team?

Early in my career, I would often work long hours, sometimes 14-16 hours per day because the work was always there, and I thought I couldn’t work enough hours to get everything done.  I’ve since learned that rest and time away from work is powerful and that being refreshed and rested boosts my productivity. It’s the quality of work hours, not quantity that matters. So, I make sure I exercise as often as I can and get enough sleep at night so that I don’t need an alarm to wake.  I also make sure that my team prioritizes their health and feels empowered to take time off to refresh when needed.

What does the term “authentic leadership” mean to you?  

I believe that authentic leadership is about leading with integrity and sincerity, staying true to oneself, and fostering an environment where others can do the same. It’s a powerful approach that builds trust, drives engagement, and creates a positive impact both within and outside an organization.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I see myself growing my career at HP, looking back on the success of Renew Solutions as a major part of HP’s business and continuing the work to bring value to our customers through multi-life devices.

Given your extensive experience, what advice would you give to aspiring leaders who aim to make a positive impact in their organizations and the industry as a whole?

I would advise aspiring leaders to volunteer to assist on or take on projects that will showcase their abilities.  Don’t be afraid to step outside of their comfort zone and be willing to learn new concepts or work in a different functional area. Most of all, seek out a trusted mentor that will provide feedback and constructive advice that you can use to improve your skillset.

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