Priya Reddy, VP of Enterprise Data Management & Chief Data Officer, Reprise Financial

Priya Reddy is the VP of Enterprise Data Management and Chief Data Officer at Reprise Financial, with over two decades of experience in Fintech and Financial Services. As a data leader, she thrives at the intersection of business and technology, architecting, implementing, and innovating enterprise data strategies to unleash potential and competitive edge. Recognized on CDO Magazine’s ‘Global Data Power Women List’ and as an AI100 award winner at MachineCon 2024, Priya is committed to empowering the next generation of women in tech through her nonprofit work and dedication to fostering innovation and diversity.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Priya shared her professional trajectory, insights on diversity and inclusion in tech, the best piece of advice she has ever received, future plans, words of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

Hi Priya. Can you please provide a brief overview of your background and experience in the fintech industry?

With over two decades of experience in data and technology, I have dedicated my career to transforming data into a strategic asset that drives business growth and innovation. As the VP of Enterprise Data Management at Reprise Financial, I have been instrumental in driving digital transformation and enhancing data management, significantly improving accessible lending products. My pivotal role in establishing the Enterprise Data Management department led to scalable solutions that boosted the company’s operations.

My expertise spans Big Data, cloud and traditional architecture, and service delivery I expertly manage data warehouses and data lakes, advance reporting and analytics capabilities, oversee machine learning initiatives, and manage backend databases for application development, ensuring a reliable and efficient data supply for the company’s digital platforms. I’ve led initiatives that optimize data governance and compliance while empowering teams to harness data for decision-making and driving tangible business outcomes. My focus includes leveraging data gravity, identifying the most appropriate platforms for a hybrid strategy, and implementing a cloud-centric approach to balance security and innovation.

Before joining Reprise, my work at Skopos Financial and Santander Consumer USA significantly contributed to business growth through vital data insights. Known for my dynamic leadership, I am committed to customer-centricity, modern delivery methods, and continuous improvement, building high-performing teams and fostering a culture that enhances business outcomes. In addition, I collaborate closely with analytics and model-building teams, providing the data and platforms necessary for advanced analytics and automation, helping the organization prioritize efforts and drive value. Beyond my professional role, I am dedicated to empowering girls and women in STEM, serving on the boards of various nonprofit organizations and contributing to CDO Magazine’s global editorial board.

What are the most rewarding parts of your current role, and why?

The most rewarding part of my role is twofold: leading and inspiring a high-performing team, and delivering tangible business value. I take immense satisfaction in guiding my team of data professionals as we tackle complex challenges and transform them into innovative solutions that drive both customer satisfaction and business success. Every day, I see how our efforts directly contribute to the company’s growth—whether it’s by enhancing customer experiences, ensuring seamless data operations, or providing high-quality data for strategic decision-making.

I am deeply committed to my team’s growth, supporting them where and when they need it, whether that’s problem-solving together, learning new technologies, or helping them connect their personal goals to our business objectives. I actively invest in their development by bringing in training opportunities and creating pathways for both business acumen and technical advancements. The impact we make is not just measured in numbers, but in the real stories of how our work improves lives. Being alongside my team in these endeavors is what makes my role truly rewarding.

What are the most significant data management challenges businesses are currently facing, and how can we address them?

In today’s digital age, businesses face several significant data management challenges, including integrating AI and machine learning technologies, navigating the increasing complexity of data privacy regulations, and ensuring real-time data access across multiple platforms. Addressing these challenges requires a proactive approach to data governance, ensuring that data is not only accurate and compliant but also readily accessible for decision-making.

At Reprise Financial, we have built a robust data architecture that supports scalable and secure data operations, laying a strong foundation aligned with our business goals to drive sustainable growth. My involvement with CDO Magazine allows me to highlight emerging trends and best practices, guiding organizations in overcoming these challenges. Additionally, through, I advocate for ethical AI practices that ensure data is managed responsibly, fostering trust and compliance across industries.

Managing data privacy and governance, especially with evolving global regulations, is a complex but essential task. Companies need to take a proactive approach by anticipating regulatory changes and preparing in advance. This involves staying informed about local and global regulations like GDPR and CCPA and having a dedicated compliance team to monitor developments and assess their impact. A comprehensive data governance framework, advanced encryption techniques, and practices like data masking, anonymization, and data minimization are all crucial in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining compliance.

Another effective approach is ‘sandboxing,’ where new technologies can be tested in controlled environments, ensuring innovation does not compromise the company’s broader security posture. By adopting these strategies, businesses can successfully navigate the complexities of data management, balancing innovation with security and compliance.

How can fintech leaders ensure data security and privacy in the face of increasing threats and regulations, especially in today’s AI era?

In today’s technology-driven era, ensuring data security and privacy is more critical than ever. My approach combines advanced encryption techniques, data masking, and rigorous data governance frameworks that are continuously updated to comply with evolving regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Through my involvement with various data and technology organizations, I actively share knowledge on best practices for data security and privacy while advocating for ethical and responsible technology use.

By embedding privacy controls into our systems from the outset, we protect sensitive information and build trust with our customers, which is essential for long-term success. Balancing innovation with security is key, and we achieve this by fostering a culture where both go hand in hand.

Navigating the complexities of data in the AI era brings new demands and opportunities for enterprise data teams. Internally, these teams must ensure that data pipelines are robust and scalable to handle diverse data sources in real time. Data governance is crucial for maintaining accuracy, consistency, and compliance. Think of it like preparing a gourmet meal – AI is the chef, data is the ingredient, and data teams are the sous-chefs, ensuring everything is of the highest quality before it’s utilized.

Externally, we face rapidly evolving technology platforms and stringent privacy regulations. Additionally, data democratization presents challenges, requiring careful consideration of appropriate use cases and the management of potential biases. Navigating these complexities is like walking a tightrope, balancing internal demands for data quality and governance with external forces that shape our technological landscape.

What impact do you believe increased diversity and inclusion would have on innovation, creativity, and progress in your industry?

Diversity and inclusion are vital to fostering innovation and creativity in the Financial Servies and fintech industry. A diverse team brings a range of perspectives and ideas, which leads to more innovative solutions that resonate with a broader audience. I prioritize creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute their unique insights. This not only drives innovation but also enhances our ability to solve complex challenges in a way that reflects the diverse needs of our customers. By embracing diversity, we ensure that our innovations are not just technically sound but also culturally relevant and impactful. This commitment extends to my role at The GEMS Camp, where I work to expand access to STEM fields for young women, ensuring they have the tools and opportunities to succeed.

The meaning of leadership can change from one era to the other, how would you define the meaning of leadership today?

Leadership today is about adaptability, empathy, and the ability to inspire others. It’s about leading by example, fostering a culture of innovation, and empowering teams to achieve their best. In my leadership journey, I focus on creating an environment where my team feels included, valued, supported, and motivated to contribute to the company’s success. True leadership involves not just guiding your team but also learning from them. It’s essential to balance the needs of the business with the well-being of your people, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to grow and thrive. My guiding principle is simple: Take care of your people, and your people will take care of the business.

However, leadership also comes with its challenges. Sometimes, leaders must stand tall, alone. The weight of leadership can be a heavy and lonely responsibility. Leaders often face tough decisions and situations where they must make difficult choices, even if it means standing alone. Leadership often involves taking responsibility and guiding others, even in challenging circumstances. Another key belief I hold is that the only way to lead is by example – lead by example, creating leaders along the way. By promoting ethical practices and staying ahead of industry trends, leaders can navigate the complexities of today’s fast-paced world while cultivating a resilient and innovative organization.

In your academic or work career, were there any mentors who have helped you grow along the way? What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of working with some remarkable individuals who have influenced my leadership style, even though I didn’t have formal mentors. Looking back, I wish I had access to the mentorship and communities that are available today, as they could have accelerated my career journey. However, it’s never too late to embrace growth, and in recent years, I’ve become actively involved in several organizations that provide these valuable connections and insights.

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve received—and one that has become a guiding principle for me is to “always stay curious and never stop learning.” This mindset has driven me to continuously seek new knowledge, whether it’s staying updated with the latest developments in AI or learning from the experiences of those I work with. A commitment to lifelong learning is essential for personal and professional growth, and it’s something I actively encourage within my teams and communities.

The infrastructure for growth in data and technology is better now than ever before, with countless resources and networks available to support anyone looking to advance their career. My advice is to make your growth a priority so that you can, in turn, empower others. As Maya Angelou wisely said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” By focusing on continuous learning and leveraging the incredible resources available today, you can achieve your goals and help others do the same.

What is one of your favorite parts of the workweek? How does it encourage or inspire you? Do you have a favorite way to recharge during the workday?

One of my favorite parts of the workweek is our team’s “Celebrations” session. This is a dedicated time when we come together to share our successes, learnings, and even challenges. It’s more than just a routine meeting; it’s a moment of reflection and inspiration that reminds us of the impact we make through our work. These sessions reinforce the sense of purpose within the team, showing how each contribution aligns with our company’s broader mission. It’s a powerful way to acknowledge our collective achievements and foster a culture of continuous improvement and excellence.

As someone who is deeply committed to building high-performing teams, these moments are crucial. They not only motivate the team but also reinforce the values of accountability, honesty, and collaboration. My role encompasses various aspects of data management, from data engineering and architecture to quality assurance and governance. Leading such a diverse and talented group requires not just strategic oversight but also the ability to create an environment where every team member feels supported and empowered. By removing roadblocks and ensuring alignment with our company’s goals, I help cultivate a culture where excellence is the standard.

To recharge during the workday, I often take short breaks to clear my mind, whether by taking a walk, practicing mindfulness, or simply stepping away from my desk for a few moments. These small pauses are essential for staying focused and energized, allowing me to tackle the day’s challenges with a fresh perspective. In a role that demands both strategic vision and meticulous attention to detail, maintaining this balance is key to sustaining both personal effectiveness and team performance.

Overall, the “Celebrations” session is more than just a highlight of my week; it’s a reflection of my leadership philosophy. By celebrating wins and continuously driving improvement, we create a work environment that not only meets but exceeds expectations. It’s about building a team that is not just capable but also inspired to achieve excellence in everything we do.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

In the next five years, I see myself continuing to lead transformative data initiatives that drive innovation and growth. I aim to take on broader leadership responsibilities, influencing strategic decisions at an organizational level while mentoring the next generation of data professionals. My goal is to remain at the forefront of the ever-evolving data and AI space, leveraging my expertise to create data-driven solutions that not only address today’s challenges but also anticipate future needs.

I also plan to expand my contributions to nonprofit organizations focused on STEM and technology, ensuring that the next generation of women in these fields are well-prepared and empowered. Additionally, I am committed to thought leadership, particularly in Data and AI, creating cultures of innovation, and fostering diversity and inclusion. Through speaking engagements and cross-industry collaborations, I will continue to share my knowledge and expertise, making a meaningful impact across various sectors and helping to shape the future of data and AI.

What advice would you give to women who want to enter the tech industry?

My advice to women aspiring to enter the tech industry is to embrace your uniqueness and never doubt the value you bring to the table. The tech industry needs diverse voices and perspectives, and your contributions are invaluable. As a Board Member of The GEMS Camp and an active member of CHIEF and WLDA, I work to ensure that women have the tools and support they need to succeed in tech. Surround yourself with mentors and peers who support your growth, and don’t be afraid to take risks. Continuous learning and adaptability are key in this fast-paced industry, so stay curious, stay connected, and always be open to new opportunities. Remember, the tech industry is not just about technology, it’s about people, innovation, and making a difference.

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