Assistant Professor Dr. Kuldeep Nagi is the Program Director of Ph.D in eLearning Methodology for Graduate School of eLearning (GSeL) at Assumption University, Thailand. He was born and educated in India but matured and flourished in Seattle, WA, USA. He is an American citizen and recipient of Fulbright Fellowship Award-2006 in USA to work at Assumption University, Thailand. While working in Seattle Community College District (SCCD) in USA, he also received Dan Evans Award for Excellence in Teaching. He spent the prime of his life working at various institutions of Higher Education based in Seattle, WA, USA. After joining Assumption University in Thailand in 2006 he has written more than 3 dozen papers for international conferences, proceedings and journals. In addition to working as a Director of the Ph.D. program, he is also working as Managing Editor of Monthly eNewsletter called eLearning@AU, Managing Editor of AU-eJournal of Interdisciplinary Research http://www.ejir.au.edu/, Member-Editorial Board- ABAC Journal. Dr. Kuldeep is a writer columnist for the NATION and BANGKOKPOST, daily newspapers published in Bangkok.